Job Description
Post-doctoral position in cancer research
- MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College, London, UK
Description: A post-doctoral fellowship is available (directed by Dr. Veronica Yu) at the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College.
The project will focus on the role of the cell cycle proteins Cks1 and 2 and their roles as potential oncogenes. We are particularly interested to explore why over-expression of these genes contribute to carcinogenesis in a wide variety of cancers.
Qualifications: The applicant must have a PhD in molecular biology, biochemistry or a relevant discipline of biomedical science. Candidates should have an excellent track record and experience in standard molecular and cell biology techniques.
Salary Details: This post is funded by Cancer Research UK and is tenable for 3 years. Salary range is dependant on experience of the applicant.
Application Details: To apply please send cv and name of 3 referees to:
Veronica Yu
Eukaryotic Chromatin Dynamics Group
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre
Imperial College
Hammersmith Campus
Du Cane Road
W12 0NN
United Kingdom

Contact: Veronica Yu
More Information: Medical Research Council (MRC)
More Information: Eukaryotic Chromatin Dynamics Group
Closing Date: Check with institute