Job Description
Junior Group Leader Positions for Epigenetic Focus
- The Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology , Freiburg, Germany
Description: The epigenetic focus within the Max Planck Institute (MPI) Freiburg is dedicated to foster an outstanding environment for cutting-edge research in the area of Epigenetics. This epigenetic hub will comprise two senior groups (Thomas Jenuwein and Asifa Akhtar), one junior group (Robert Schneider) and will be expanded by four independent junior groups. We now seek to fill two of these positions, which will run for five years with the possibility of an extension that can be up to four additional years. The successful candidates will head independent research groups, with generous funds available for positions, start-up investments and annual running costs. In addition, the groups will have full access to the institutional infrastructure including mouse and Drosophila facilities as well as service units to support mass-spectrometry, bioinformatics, Solexa sequencing, live cell imaging and FACS sorting. PhD students will be recruited through the international PhD program IMPRS-MCB (international MPI School of Molecular and Cellular Biology).
The MPI of Immunobiology is an international research institute with English as the working language. A childcare facility is directly attached to the institute.
Qualifications: We aim to recruit group leaders with novel and exciting research programs that fit well into the framework of the epigenetic focus. We are especially interested in candidates with a strong background in fields that complement the current research at the institute, e.g. biochemistry, transcription, cell cycle, non-coding RNA biology, DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, epigenetic inheritance and novel forms of memory such as prions.
Women are especially encouraged to apply; handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.
Salary Details: Salaries will be based on previous experience according to TVöD guidelines.
Application Details: Candidates should send their application indicating the reference number 040109 comprising:
- C.V.,
- summary of scientific achievements and future research plans,
- names of three referees
The Personnel Department,
Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology,
Stübeweg 51,
79108 Freiburg

Contact: E-mail Personnel Department
More Information: Max Planck Institute (MPI)
More Information: IMPRS-MCB
Closing Date: 2009-04-30