Job Description
Research Positions
- The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA
Description: Two COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS are sought to work in the Einstein Center for Epigenomics.
Our Center is generating large amounts of genomic and epigenomic data from microarray and massively-parallel sequencing experiments. Our goal is to develop analytical approaches that can be linked as workflows using relational database environments to explore such high-dimensional data. We are hiring new programmers to develop the key components of these analytical processes.
This person will work with the Computational Epigenomics faculty to develop software and workflows to process the ‘raw’ high-throughput datasets, performing the critical roles of data dimensional reduction and subsequent annotation with relevant meta-data tags derived from the experiments themselves.
This person will work with the Computational Epigenomics faculty to develop software and workflow approaches to explore the processed high-throughput data, with the specific aims of integrating additional sources of biological information in each case and subsequently visually representing many data streams representing multiple high-throughput experiments.
Experience with R/Bioconductor, Perl/Python, Java/C++ and MySQL is essential, familiarity with currently-available open source analytical tools for epigenomic datasets is also valuable.
The successful applicant will be a part of Einstein’s new Center for Epigenomics. This Center focuses on understanding how the normal epigenome becomes dysregulated in human diseases, with current programmatic emphases in Cancer, Neuroscience, Infectious Disease, Stem Cell biology and Environmental Epigenomics. The investigators will work within a highly-collaborative environment, studying questions that range from basic science to translational applications.
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine is located in a residential area minutes from Westchester County and a short commute to Manhattan
Application Details: A CV and names of three referees are required for all positions. Candidates should apply by email (using the contact link below) to:
Maria Delio,
Center for Epigenomics,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Jack & Pearl Resnick Campus,
1300 Morris Park Avenue,
New York 10461
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine is an equal opportunity employer.

Contact: Maria Delio
Closing Date: Check with institute