
Job Description

Research Assistant («Ingénieur d’Etude») specialised in the microscopy facility
- Institut Curie, Paris, France

Description: In the context of the creation of a new Pole for Developmental Biology, the Research Section of the Institut Curie in Paris, France, is recruiting a Research Assistant («Ingénieur d’Etude») specialised in the microscopy facility. The research assistant will be in charge of setting up and running the microscopy facility within the Developmental Biology Unit.

Expected Activities:

  • Setting up, optimisation and fine-tuning of microscopy / imaging equipment within the facility;
  • Provide technical advice on experiments involving imaging;
  • Organise and manage time-tables for use and maintenance of the equipment within this facility;
  • Organise, manage and coordinate maintenance and repair operations for the facility by the relevant providers both internally and externally;
  • Organise the technical, administrative and financial management for some or all of the equipment in this facility;
  • Train and inform people on the use of the equipment in this facility and on the rules for safe and efficient working practice.
This is a permanent (CDI)/ full time position beginning July 2008.

Qualifications: Research Assistant / Engineer (Ingénieur d’étude. At least one or two years of work experience in a similar context (ie microscopy facility) required.


  • Requires thorough knowledge (theoretical and practical) of wide-field and confocal microscopy
  • Enjoy team work in a multidisciplinary context
  • Adequate spoken and written technical English

Salary Details: annual gross salary between 24 and 30 K€

Application Details: Please send full C.V. and recommendation letters to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

More Information: Institute Curie Website

Closing Date: Check with institute

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